The NXT Project was born in USA during the 1990's, finding its first application for military purposes. After several years of research and developments, Intercast Europe further optimized the NXT technology for optical uses, launching the first material, which has lightness and strength impossible to have with conventional plastic materials, along with undistorted optical characteristics. NXT features innovative performance beyond the limit of other clear plastic materials currentry available
NXTブロックに430m/secで44マグナム弾を撃ち込むテスト。弾丸は貫通せず、クラックも入りません。 Test of a .44 Magnum fired into the NXT block at 430 m/sec. The bullet does not pass through and there are no cracks. |
NXTは、米陸軍によるポリカーボネートを超える超軽量防弾プロテクター開発プロジェクトから生まれた素材で、現在ではインテルカスト・ヨーロッパ社のみが独占的に供給できる素材です。 NXT is originally from lightweight and transparent armor sys-tems for military use in US. INTERCAST EUROPE S.p.A. has exclusive rights for this optical material worldwide. |
- 高度なキャスティング製法により優れた光学的均質性を実現
- ポリカーボネートより10%軽く、また高い耐衝撃性を発揮
- アセトンやメチルアルコールなどの薬品に作用されない
- 80℃の熱に対しても高い安定性を発揮する
- 圧力を受け変形しても、ひび割れや破損を起こさない
- NXT sheets are made by casting, which ensure low internal stress , high optical homogeneity,thermal and mechanical stability.
- 10% lighter than polycarbonate and features high impact resistance.
- Is not attacked by common chemicals or solvents such as acetone and methyl alcohol.
- Features high thermal stability at temperatures over 80℃
- Does not crack or break when subjected to mechanical stress.
NXT soft54は他に類を見ない柔軟なオプティカル素材で、破損したり複屈折を起こすことなく曲げられます。NXT soft54は独自の化学式を持ち、傷が付きにくいうえに自己復元性があり、小さなへこみなら時間の経過とともに消滅します。そのほかにセミソフトタイプNXT soft70もあります。 NXT soft54 is the only optical material that can be fold withoutbreaking and without generating birefringence. NXT soft54, isobtained through a chemical modification of the NXT original formula and like NXT, is unbreakable and not sensitive to the stress cracking. Thanks to their softness, NXT soft54 sheets show good abrasion resistance. Moreover NXT soft54 is self-healing and small scratches tend to disappear with time. Due to thesecharacteristics, combined with its stable performance, its application in various fields is expected. There is also semi-soft type,NXT soft70 available (Durometer, Shore D:70) |